How to Bring More Meaning Into Your Life With Money

I am not in favor of making money for money’s sake. In my mind, financial goals that aren’t grounded in the reality of what you need and want in life will not fulfill you. However, money can absolutely help you build a meaningful life!

It all has to do with staying checked in with yourself throughout your financial journey. Here are three ideas that can help serve as guideposts for you to transform the role of money in your life.

Money Is An Energy

Like water, money is a resource meant to flow from place to place. When you water a plant, it grows. When you spend money on something, you expand its role in your life.

Remembering that money is an energy can help us think more intentionally about what we want to expand in our lives. This might affect our smaller spending choices, like what we purchase at the grocery store. Or it might push us to make bigger money moves, like purchasing a vacation or beginning a retirement plan.

So, take some time to consider, what in your life do you want to expand, and what do you want to cull? How can the way you handle your money aid you in this process?

Stay Checked In With your Values

This idea is foundational to my work with clients and goes hand in hand with the first point. The more clear you are on what you value in life, the more valuable your life will feel to you as you bring those good things in.

Really take stock of what you value, and keep yourself checked in with that whenever you’re making a financial decision. Here are a couple articles that can help:

Working Smarter and Living Happier

Sometimes the ways that money can make room for more meaning in your life seem a little mundane. Consider ways that money can save you time and energy so you can do more of what you love. Perhaps you might like to hire a cleaner, or sign up for a grocery delivery service.

Taking on an expense like this can ultimately allow you to spend more of your own time and energy doing what you value and enjoy most.

If you liked these thoughts, you’ll probably also enjoy my free e-Book, Reach Your Life Goals! A Business Owner’s Guide. Click here to download:

The Secret to Motivating Yourself to Learn About Finances

If you have a poor relationship with money, it’s going to be hard to talk yourself into how to manage it. Whether you view money as boring or you have a hostile relationship with it, getting financial education is probably one of the last things you’ll want to do.

It’s difficult to be motivated to learn about money if you don’t see how it can bring meaning into your life. Here are a couple of my tips for changing your mindset to see how money can be a positive force for life satisfaction:

Get Honest About Your Relationship With Money

First off, it’s important to get a clear idea of your relationship with money. So, how do you feel about it? What are some beliefs you hold about it? Here’s an excerpt from my article “How Your Relationship With Money Affects Your Finances (and What You Can Do About It)”:

If you want to get a quick pulse on your relationship with money, think about money or say “Money,” out loud to yourself, and then keep track of what emotions come up. More than likely, there will be several that come up in a quick succession: anxiety, avoidance, excitement, compulsion or repulsion, etc.

The goal with this exercise is not to suppress or judge any of the feelings as good or bad. Simply take note of them as they come up. Try this several times to get a full emotional picture.

Once you’ve tried this out, reflect on how your current feelings about money can give you insight into how to improve your relationship with it. I list a couple ideas for doing this in the article mentioned above. 

Brainstorm Your Life Goals

Think about your goals for a moment. What are the most meaningful things you can dream of doing? Maybe you dream of supporting yourself as an artist, building a beautiful home, or going on the adventure of a lifetime.

Those dreams are possible, and they are financeable. Your income can be the financial engine that brings those dreams to life! By reflecting more deeply on your goals and connecting them to your finances, you can begin to more clearly see the equation between money and life satisfaction. 

Get Inspired

Many people are able to do amazing things with money. This is where finding your “money crush” comes in. What’s a money crush? Someone you know, or know of, who handles their finances in a way you admire. This could be somebody you know personally who has the kind of financial setup you want. It could be someone who writes or speaks about money in a way that inspires you. A money crush is essentially somebody who models the things you want for your own financial life.

Try thinking about the most generous people you know. Imagine being able to give like they do, from a place of abundance. One of my personal money crushes and favorite resources on this topic is Lynne Twist’s book, The Soul of Money. Check out my book review if you want more inspiration to improve your relationship with money.

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