My Top Resources to Learn About Money Around the Internet

There are a lot of places to seek out financial advice on the internet. Which is great news!  Many of us don’t receive good education on finances when we are younger. When we become adults, we either don’t seek or don’t find the information we need to have healthy finances.

One of the main ways to fix this problem is very simple: self-education! Once you start learning about money and start paying attention to your own financial matter, the hardest part is over. And thanks to the Internet, that is easier than ever.

The last time I put out a resource list on financial education was 2018, and while those resources are all still wonderful, I thought it might be time for an update. So, without further ado, here are my current top resources to learn about money around the internet (plus a few books).

Business Finance Resources

Profit Boss Radio by Hilary Hendershott is a great resource on both business and personal finance topics. She focuses on financially empowering women to be financially successful business owners.

Hadassah Damien of Ride Free Fearless Money has become an inspiration of mine over the last few years. Her content is a mix of business and personal resources. She has an excellent blog, Diva is a Hustler, and a great podcast, Bottom Lines, Top Dollars.

Mikelann Valterra is an awesome money coach who has lots of great content that can apply to both personal and business/professional sides of finance. She has a blog and a whole tab of free resources

Personal Finance Resources

Afford Anything is Paula Pant’s podcast, chock-full of useful personal finance info and advice. She makes a lot of content specifically about investing and retirement.

The Bad With Money Podcast with Gaby Dunn is a great resource covering mostly personal finance topics that’s excellent for younger generations and queer folks who feel alienated by other finance resources. Gaby’s tagline say it all: “I’m a money podcast but I’m not scary.”

Karen McCall, creator of MoneyGrit (R), which is an excellent money management tool that I recommend for both personal and business finances, writes an excellent blog too! Her recent series on clothing deprivation and refreshing your wardrobe in a money-conscious way is a great resource.

Stacking Benjamins is a wonderful podcast I’ve been listening to for years. They provide great insights for overall financial learning and offer a lot of resources and interviews.

While we’re talking resources, I should probably mention that the At Peace With Money newsletter is a great free resource to subscribe to.

Subscribers receive my weekly blog posts straight to their inbox, plus a monthly tailored newsletter with customized financial tips. They also receive free access to my full library of e-Books! Click below to join us, it’s a good place to be!

Money Doesn’t Need to Be Scary

Welcome to your money pep talk. If you were looking for a sign to encourage you to level up your personal or business finances, this is it. For many people, money is a stressful subject. Talking about it can bring up a lot of fear and other emotions. But much of that fear stems from the fact that so many people simply leave their finances shrouded in mystery. Many of us don’t receive good education on finances when we are younger, and when we become adults, we either don’t seek or don’t find the information we need to have healthy finances. One of the main ways to fix this problem is very simple: self-education! Once you start learning about money and start paying attention to your own financial matter, the hardest part is over. You might find a lot of your fear has dissipated!

Thanks to a plethora of resources, self-education doesn’t have to be effort-intensive either. Perhaps you might simply choose a financial podcast and listen to it on your commute (my personal favorite method). Or pick out a book and finish it over the course of a month. All you need to do is pick a resource and carve out a specific chunk of time to absorb the information. Below, I have recommended a couple of my favorite resources for learning about personal and business finance. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook, where I regularly post blog posts and podcast episodes that I find especially helpful and inspiring. And since it is my profession, know that you can always schedule a discovery call if you’re curious about my services or need some guidance in your financial education journey!

Business Finance Resources

Don’t Keep Your Day Job is a great podcast hosted by Cathy Heller all about the business side of carving out a creative career.

Profit First, of course! Download the first 5 chapters of the Profit First book here on my site.

Mike Michalowicz also hosts the Profit First Podcast, which is full of insight for business owners looking to get more financially savvy.

Profit Boss Radio by Hilary Hendershott is a great resource on both business and personal finance topics. She focuses on financially empowering women.

Personal Finance Resources

Afford Anything is Paula Pant’s podcast, chock-full of useful personal finance info and advice.

Be Wealthy and Smart by Linda P Jones is a great pick for people who are interested in slightly shorter podcast episodes. She tackles and breaks down simple yet important topics like investing.

At Peace With Money: Money Doesn't Have to be ScaryHer Money Matters is hosted by Jen Hemphill, and also focuses on financially empowering women.

The Automatic Millionaire is one of my favorite books on personal finance. The core philosophy has been central to my retirement planning. If you’re thinking about retirement, it’s a must-read. I sing praises for this book in an article I wrote a while back on automating your finances. Check it out!

I hope you find these helpful and educational. May these resources help you conquer your money fear!


Image Sources:  Clark Tibbs, Linh Pham

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